Hm this post makes me… annoyed. Not at you and not at the fact that we all need reminders to stop being on our goddamn phones so much. But still, there is something that gnaws at me with these types of calculations around what is ultimately our precious, beautiful, unique lives. I think maybe I’m coming at it from a different angle as I have been recovering from burnout for two years with friends around me who are trying to do the same but really struggling. It’s hard then to see others finding 22 hours a week where they could be doing even more, even if those activities are mindful and productive.

My word for the year is ease. To me that means doing less calculating, being more okay with sometimes having unproductive downtime with my phone, letting things take longer than they might need to and not planning every day of the week for myself.

Thank you for sharing your point of view - it’s so fascinating to hear from others who see life from a different view. I hope you can see where I’m coming from too!🥰

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You always make great points, I can totally see where you are coming from. Burnout is a real struggle, and I know I, among many others, would love to read how you are recovering and the different ways that you recharge. And I love ease as your word of the year!

My main takeaway from this exercise was that I want to spend my unaccounted for 22 hours in ways that are truly restful and that fill my cup. I am on a very quick path to burnout if I can't find any other ways to unwind and 'not work' than watching screens and suppressing all my thoughts.

I think we can probably agree that nothing is more obnoxious than those videos from people who wake up at 2:00am everyday, chant how everyone has the same 24 hours, and claim to never take days off because then someone else is a day ahead. Promise I'm not like them, I'm more of that girl who says 'working my life away... wish I could just stop and go on a cruise' after sending one email. LOL.

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Haha I get you! The balance between planned and unplanned down time is sometimes hard to find. But maybe just recognizing what we actually want to spend our time on - which sometimes is literally nothing - is probably a good first step. Oh and we should all go on cruises more often!

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Yes!! Haha

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I really love this post but I also appreciate this perspective! I plan on doing this exercise but I think it’ll be helpful to look at it from an angle of “what can I add but also where can I slow down?” I do have time for an hour long walk to nowhere in weather that makes my soul sing and maybe that’s a better use of my time than doom scrolling to avoid something else (which I feel like a lot of my phone time comes from honestly, doing it now typing this comment to avoid the gym haha)

This comment also reminded me to review my word of the year because I completely forgot it so thank you!

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I really love how you said 'what can I add' and 'where can I slow down'. This is such a wonderful perspective and similar to the approach I want to take with the data. What really fills my cup, and how can I prioritize that knowing my obligations are already accounted for? Thank you for reading!! Xx

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I always find that the busier I am, the better I spend my time. It’s like I am more aware of the hours I have when there are fewer of them? Love seeing this breakdown as a reminder of all of the time we have each week to spend on the things we need and love!!!

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This is sooo true!!

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YES to this! Great insight, more structure can make for far more efficient time management. Thank you for reading Meighan <33

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Agreed! When I worked full time, I fit so much in, but now that I’m home with my kids, I think I’m just so much less organized with my time!! I can’t stay on task and then wonder where the day went!

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I need to do this exercise for myself, this is so eye opening.

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This is a great exercise no matter your age/stage — busy is not a badge of honor, but I find myself always saying I have no time. I’m a freelance writer and mommy to twin 14yo boys so my days look very different, and my husband travels for work constantly, but I bet I can identify a few hours that could be used better. To bring me more joy.

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Using those extra hours to bring you more joy! YES! Couldn’t have said it better.

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I love this breakdown!!

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Boredom breeds creativity. The forgotten art of staring out a train window when we can endlessly scroll our feeds.

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So interesting! I am going to do this exercise for myself and I am sure it will be very eye opening.

I also loved Jordan’s post and I created my own list of things that I would rather do than scroll on my phone. It comes in handy!

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Absolutely! I reference my list often!

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Such a great post + sooo eye opening. It really makes you pause to think where all of your extra time really goes. I love how you said something in regards to everyone competing for who is the busiest / has more on their plate. Such an accurate statement + it’s a wonder how we got here?? like when can ‘slow living’ & mostly open schedules be the thing we are excited to share with others?

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Yessss cause I’m so tired of being embarrassed if I don’t have big weekend plans

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Love this breakdown - thanks for sharing! I did a similar analysis recently where I "scheduled" all of my obligations for the day and STILL found that I had almost 2 hours of "free-time" each evening, even by being generous with how long chores would take. Even allowing myself a little bit of buffer and grace (we aren't machines after all), this still meant there were hours each week that could be dedicated to meaningful things that are currently being spent lounging on a couch!

I find that scheduling 1 task / goal / hobby a couple of times a week makes a HUGE difference. It doesn't feel so overwhelming if you decide to put down your phone and read for 30 minutes or so a couple of times a week, etc. I often feel overwhelmed by all of the extra "to-dos" (whether fun or not) and telling myself that I just need to do one of those things makes a big difference in the long run.

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‘We aren’t machines after all’ haha i love that point though! We can give ourselves grace while still holding ourselves accountable to doing the things we want to do. I’m going to try scheduling in the things that I love too, that’s a great idea <3

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I love this big-picture perspective on time! Especially as a freelancer, it sometimes baffles me where the hours go. Looks like I'll have to actually track them and find out!

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Freelance is so amazing because of the flexibility and it's so challenging because of the flexibility! I feel you, you got this!

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love this exercise and going to try it myself this week!! I find myself feeling guilty for not spending more time on side activities (like writing) and tbh think that stems from not having a concrete idea always of where my time is going

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I love this post and plan on doing this exercise this weekend. I know this wasn’t the point of the article, but I’m inspired by your exercise routine and would love to hear/learn more! ❤️

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Thank you so much for reading Ashley!! <3 I go to a CrossFit gym and loooove it. The community aspect is awesome, and it's challenging in a way that feels really good... just to repeat the talking points of the cult lol. And then I love running or walking everyday too! Any cardio that feels easy for an extended period of time. If I ever don't feel like doing it I tell myself, 'I just have to move my legs and listen to my favorite podcast for a while.' Hope this answers your question, I'm so not an expert in this area, just have found what I enjoy!

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Wow, this opened my eyes! Crazy to think we have so much time, and yet feel like it's slipping away. I don't want to be a part of any hustle culture mentality, but I do think we could all do with prioritising new creative endeavours, hobby's and spending time with loved ones (not necessarily being more productive). Watching a TV show can be a great way to relax and spend time, but I sometimes find myself watching out of habit, and that's something I want to eliminate so I can spend my 22 hours (or my own equivalent) more intentionally

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Yes!! Fab point about how watching a TV show can be a great way to relax, but not necessarily when it is just out of habit. I could do nothing 'productive' with my extra 22 hours, but if I spend it more intentionally instead of letting it just pass me by, I call that a win. Thank you so much for reading and adding your thoughts, I'm glad you're here!! Xx

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Oh I needed to read this today. I have this phrase in my head sometimes: distraction leads to destruction. It's so true... I need to break down own obligations and reassess how I'm spending my time. Thank you for this post, Elle!

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That is a helpful phrase I’m remembering now too. Thank you for reading and being here, Amber <3

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I am so intrigued to do my own math! I find myself wishing I had more “good” daylight hours. Especially when it comes to filming content where things look best in natural light. I have to be in person for my job and I do miss WFH and being able to switch to personal things much easier on breaks.

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Totally feel this, as the days get a longer and longer, I feel my soul getting lighter and lighter. Balance can be easier to find with a WFH schedule, but I hope that you are able to find a routine where you are your sweet-spot soon. I'm right there finding a balance right next to you!

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Ok I love seeing numbers like this - so inspiring. I'm going to write out my own and see where I get. Absolutely love your honestly about being closer to the verge of boredom rather than burn out. I am right there with you - accompanied with all sorts of guilt and anxiety. I know it's a blessing to be bored, and life won't always be this way, so I guess I need to embrace and enjoy it more. xx

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Lauren thank you so much for reading!! The numbers were SO eye-opening for me, I'll be curious about your experience with it. I typed 24x7 into my calculate several times like ??are there really that many hours in a week?? haha. I also love how you said, 'I know it's a blessing to be bored.' Every phase of life brings unique blessings with it, doesn't it? <3

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