Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously deluded 🧡🩷

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May 9Liked by Elle Sundberg

Omg I love this. I sent the quote to my two best friends as they genuinely do inspire me every day. From now on I vow to be more Elle with you!

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I love that! In it together Becky <3

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May 8Liked by Elle Sundberg

My middle school BFF went to Harvard Law School, and they played Legally Blonde at their orientation. 🍿 🎥 💼 💅

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May 8Liked by Elle Sundberg

I love this - I’ve always said Legally Blonde changed my life! Haha and this is inspiring me to write something similar about another fictional character I am so inspired by - Lorelai Gilmore!

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I wish I had half of Lorelai's wittiness and reference knowledge!

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Love this, Elle! Came back to read it again ❤️

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Thank you Amber <3

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May 8Liked by Elle Sundberg

My niece, born this March, is also named Elle! 🥹💓 But yes, this movie is great and I hope my niece is just as fierce and fabulous as Elle Woods 😎

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Soooo sweet <3

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May 8Liked by Elle Sundberg

Awe thanks for sharing!! I was so excited to learn she was your namesake!💕

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I don’t think I have a favorite fictional role model, but I didn’t have a name until watching the Saved by the Bell credits and saw the name Leanna because it’s one of the characters name in real life

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I love hearing the stories behind names, that is cute!

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May 8Liked by Elle Sundberg

Rose colored glasses 🤯

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May 8Liked by Elle Sundberg

She genuinely is my spirit animal. You know that “intro ur substack with a picture from a movie” - mine would be a pic of elle woods’s “what, like it’s hard or something?”

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Yesss! I actually just changed my cover photo to a pic of her lol!

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May 8Liked by Elle Sundberg

Also love Elle Woods! I was a law student at uni when this came out. I think it’s timeless! Just wish things had moved on a bit more for women in the workplace since then

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I love Elle woods! The movie came out the year we were picking uni degrees and she is the only reason i did law 😌

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oh that's amazing! she is inspiring like that

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love her and love the movie!! I’m due for a rewatch soon !

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I love this, and Elle is such a cool/pretty name. — also, Katniss Everdeen lol

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omg. i think your elle woods is my cher horowitz (i think they would be friends) i LOVED this

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